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Top Notch Academics

Whatever you choose to do, our professors are here to ensure your success in your chosen career!

“The music program is led by passionate and creative professors that make classes fun and engaging. I am now running my own music studio in Lacombe where I teach piano, voice, and theory lessons. Burman University’s Music Program gave me the tools to feel confident in passing my knowledge on to those I teach.”

Jessica Jacobson Heisler

Music Teacher, Lacombe, Alberta

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Jessica Jacobson Heisler
2019 / Bachelor of Arts - Music
of students feel welcome on campus.
of students said their expectations of the university were met or exceeded.
of new students receive scholarships.
Aerial shot of Burman University

Life at Burman

Searching for your path is never easy.  It takes time, commitment, and dedication.  As part of a caring community, we'll help you find your direction—not just for your career, but for your life.
Library Samara

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