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iFolder Access on & off Campus


iFolder® is a service that allows your local data files to follow you everywhere--online, offline, all the time--across multiple workstations, your corporate network and the Internet. It provides a simple, convenient and secure way to access, back up, and protect your local data files. With iFolder, you have a single virtual work folder that provides convenient and secure access to the most recent version of local documents. All you need is an active network or Internet connection and the iFolder client or a Web browser. iFolder helps guard against local data loss by automatically backing up the user's local files to an iFolder server, making them available for regularly scheduled data backup. When you login to iFolder from another workstation, the iFolder client synchronizes the files by downloading the new and changed files. And now you can share your iFolders with other Burman accounts.



How do I access iFolder

iFolder access is available through a web browser session or through a client installed on your PC. Once the client is installed on your computer, you simply treat it as another folder on your Windows desktop and it will provide automatic synchronization. Use the iFolder web access when you need access to the iFolder files, but are using a computer without the iFolder client installed.


iFolder Client:  Links to the client installs for various platforms are available here


iFolder access through the web interface:


iFolder access on you iPad or iPhone:


Do You Need More Info? If you want to read more on the use or installation of iFolder, click here.


 If you have questions or problems accessing this feature, please contact us.
