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Entrance Scholarships - Renewing

Renewability Criteria   

These awards are renewable for an additional 2-3 years, depending on length of degree, by meeting the renewability criteria unless otherwise noted on the website and/or application.


  • Enroll in and successfully complete a minimum 80% course load (12 Burman credits excluding PLAR credits & Audit) for each fall and winter term, and
  • Earn a minimum combined GPA for the two terms of
    • 3.60 to renew the 90% or $3,500 per year award
    • 3.40 to renew the 85% or $2,000 per year award
    • 3.20 to renew the 80% or $1,000 per year award
    • 3.00 to renew the 75% or $500 per year award
  • Awards are renewable at the initial assessed level


  • Enroll in and successfully complete a minimum 80% course load (12 Burman credits excluding PLAR credits & Audit) for each fall and winter term, and
  • Earn a minimum combined GPA for the fall and winter term of 2.3 or 2.5 (depending upon the student's declared program of study and the required GPA for graduation), and
  • Audition for and register each fall and winter term for either credit or audit in the Music Department's Choral Union/Band/Orchestra or for participation in Ubuntu with verification from the Music Department.
  • If registering for audit, attendance requirements exist; ask the Director for details.  Also note that this award does not include participation with praise bands or special music.
  • Award amounts can increase each subsequent year up to a maximum of $2000 based on skill, team commitment and a recommendation from a Burman music director.


  • Enroll in and successfully complete a minimum 80% course load (12 Burman credits excluding PLAR credits & Audit) for each fall and winter term, and
  • Earn a minimum combined GPA for the fall and winter term of 2.3 or 2.5 (depending upon the student's declared program of study and the required GPA for graduation), and
  • Tryout for and participate each fall and winter term in an official on-campus sports team with verification from the Athletic Director and/or coach. Exceptions may be made to single term sports however the season must be completed with the team and verified by the coach. Official Burman University teams include Acronaires, Basketball, Soccer and Volleyball. This does not include the intramural program, mini tournaments, or clubs.
  • Award amounts can increase each subsequent year up to a maximum of $2000 based on skill, team commitment and a recommendation from a Burman team coach.


-Additional Renewal Information-

  • Verification of renewal criteria will be completed by Student Financial Services.
  • Academic scholarships are renewed at the initial assessed level. Music and Athletic scholarships can increase.
  • Courses completed in Spring and Summer Sessions are not included in the GPA/credit load calculation.
  • The renewal period shall not exceed the length of the student's degree program. 
    • 3 year degree = up to 6 terms of scholarship eligibility
    • 4 year degree = up to 8 terms of scholarship eligibility
  • A student’s status year of entry and/or meeting scholarship deadlines will also impact the number of semesters a scholarship is available for renewal.
  • A student must meet renewability criteria to receive the scholarship. The renewal period will not be extended for any reason.


