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Scholarships - Leadership

US, Bahamian and Bermudian Students - Leadership & Service


President’s Award for Outstanding Leadership & Service


These awards recognize achievement in leadership & service roles while in secondary school. You may receive more than one scholarship but you are limited to offices held in the junior or senior year and to a total 4-year dollar value of $8,000.


In addition to the general eligibility requirements, you must:

  • have completed high school with a minimum GPA of 2.00, and
  • provide verification certificates, letters from your high school, or submit reference by the deadline, and
  • meet renewability criteria to receive the award for up to three additional years.


(all amts payable over 4 years)

  • Senior Class President - $4,000
  • Junior Class President - $4,000
  • SA President - $4,000
  • Newspaper Editor - $4,000
  • Yearbook Editor - $4,000
  • Other Senior or Junior Class Officer - $2,000
  • Other SA Officer - $2,000
  • Other Newspaper/Yearbook Staff - $2,000
  • Residence Hall Assistant - $2,000
  • Choir/Band/Team Officer - $2,000
  • Team Captain - $2,000


*Leadership & Service Awards are also available for leadership & service positions held in the community and the church. Award amounts are assigned by either the Admissions Office or the Scholarship Committee



How will I know if I have won this scholarship?

How will I receive my money in Year 1?

How do I renew this scholarship for Years 2, 3 and 4?





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