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For Students Arriving on Campus from outside of Canada
(Non COVID-19 Related Isolation) 


Burman University will provide supports for international students during isolation/quarantine and throughout their stay, including:

  • welcoming international students;
  • transportation to a suitable residence upon arrival;
  • material supports for isolating/quarantining;
  • establishing systems for monitoring student health and enforcing isolation/quarantine requirements;
  • wrap-around supports; and
  • providing ongoing monitoring of the students’ health and safety once isolation/quarantine is complete.
Note: Burman University will require these services to ALL incoming international students regardless of their final place of residence, on or off campus*. Only those international students who can provide an alternative isolation/quarantine plan will be exempt from these supports described below. 

*room and food fees apply


Welcoming International Students

Coordinating With Student Services

  • Communication from the Student Service office or Resident Deans will take place prior to arrival to ensure coordination and support services are in place for the arriving student.
    • The Student must make arrangements with both the Residence Hall Deans and Campus Transportation to arrange their arrival date, time and location.
    • A letter will be delivered to the student for Canadian Customs explanation of the campus Isolation plan. 
    • A Burman representative will be ready to welcome and receive the arriving student at the airport



  • Transportation to a suitable residence upon arrival;

    • There will be the designated fleet vehicle for International Student airport shuttle service

      • Regular cleaning after each trip

      • Driver safety

        • Barrier between front and back - passenger sits in back seat

        • Both parties wear face masks

        • Food or bathroom stops only - drive through service for food.

      • Students pack luggage into the trunk themselves or leave on the curb for the driver to help.

      • There will be only one student per shuttle with the exception of immediate family members who arrive at the same time from the same location.


Isolation & Quarantine Support

  • A isolation/quarantine COVID-19 response package will be in the back seat that will include:
    • A temporary room key for the student.
    • Instructions on what to do with their personal belongings  .
    • Non medical gloves with instructions on use.
    • Non medical disposable masks with instructions on use.
    • A small, refillable bottle of hand sanitizer.
    • Three Large heavy duty garbage bags for their personal items.
    • Water bottles and snacks
    • Each resident will also receive a cleaning supplies package with a bottle of disinfectant, and paper towels for cleaning and sanitizing their room.
  • There will be only one student per apartment for the duration of the quarantine period with the exception of immediate family members who arrive at the same time from the same location.
  • Isolation/quarantine locations has the following available to the student:
    • An apartment setting of 2,3,4 bedrooms that includes kitchen, living room, full bathroom.
    • Laundry service within the isolated location
    • Kitchen facilities - basic food ingredients available
    • Balcony for outside fresh air
    • Garbage disposal


Support Systems for Student Health & Isolation/quarantine Requirements

  • Isolation/quarantine support
    • Daily contact with the student will occur through cell phone voice and text, online meeting platforms or email.
    • Isolation/quarantine location has 24 hour surveillance of public areas 
    • Apartment doors are programmed to track student access.
  • Wrap-around supports
    • The Campus Switchboard (403) 782-3381 #0 will be available to the student 24 hrs a day to ensure supplies and needs are met for the student. (food, prescriptions)
    • The Student Service Office (403) 782-3381 #4033 and the Sakala Success Centre (403) 782-3381 #4141 will be available to the student throughout the isolation/quarantine period
    • Student access to transportation services will be available for required hospital services if needed.
    • Student’s have 24 hour online or phone support through their student health service benefits (WeSpeakStudent)


Students Health and Safety Once Isolation/quarantine is Complete.

  • The student support services on campus will be open as of August 24, 2020 and are free of charge for the student to access. 
  • Student’s have 24 hour online or phone support through their student health service benefits (WeSpeakStudent)



For more information please contact the Student Services Office.

