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Striding into the future

We are building a new library! For years, we’ve planned and prayed for a new library. And now, we rejoice that our plans will bear fruit and that our prayers have been answered. Come walk with us as we step into the future.

I look back on my days as a student on this campus. I loved books, studying, and learning…but I knew that the library could benefit from a transformation.  And I was not alone in this realization. Presidents, at least since the time of Neville Matthews, have envisioned a renovated—or even a new—library.

Designs have been studied. Fundraising has occurred. But, for a variety of reasons, the time was not yet right. But that’s in the past. Now, blueprints have been made. A contract with Eagle Builders has been signed. Funding is in place to begin construction. 

Nonetheless, our prayers continue, for today, we’re stepping—or I should say, we’re striding—into the future. We hope you’ll stride along with us. To follow the progress of the new library, check back frequently to this page.

On this page you will find:

Loren Agrey

Construction Updates

Groundbreaking took place on Sunday, May 2 at 2:00 p.m. MDT.

 Click here for the recorded livestream of the groundbreaking ceremony.

Project Updates/eNews
Periodically you’ll be able to learn about the progress of the new library when you read the Library Update

Click here for the complete library brochure

Are there 5000 people?

eNews Issue 1 - April 2021

eNews Issue 2 - May 2021

eNews Issue 3 - November 2021

eNews issue 4 - February 2022

Dedication Program - June 4 at 4 PM

What you will find in the new library

The new library, a key gathering and learning space, will be a place where people can learn, connect, and belong. Students will have access to the best academic print and digital resources. Here, they and the community will interact intellectually and socially.  

For more information, click here.
For a video tour of the new library, click here.

How you can honour someone who shaped your world

You may have searched for ways to thank family members, friends, teachers, mentors, or pastors who inspired you and gave you the skills you needed for success. 

To discover how the new Burman University library offers you the opportunity to honour them and to “pay it forward,” click here.

How and why to donate

"Let me share with you why we should support the new library project," states Victor Fitch, President Emeritus and Chair of the Campaign Advisory Team.
Read more

"If you have any questions, I am happy to hear from you."

Do you want to participate in the new library? Support students on their path towards excellence and service? Honour a family member, a member of the Burman community, or someone else who shaped your world?

To find out more about giving, click here.

Grace Fedak and Elvin Saruk invite you to join them in investing in Burman University.  They have committed $1 million in matching funds towards the library campaign: in 2021, all donations up to $1 million will be doubled in the rich soil of The Abundant Harvest challenge.

To read more about doubling your gift, click here.
