Faculty & Staff

Daniel Saugh
Areas of Expertise
Dr D. Saugh has served in Pastoral ministry for 20 years, Military and police Chaplain for 10 years. In addition, he has been integrating health in his practice for many years. He continued on to pursue an advanced graduate degree in Public Health working as a public health intern at the Loma Linda VA Hospital under Dr Linda Ferry MD, MPH, in the preventive medicine department working in behavioral education/psychology of change; he also worked with the Loma Linda CHIP program, and as a Research Assistant with the AHS-II Study with Dr Gary Fraser. He later joined the Canadian Armed Forces and served as a Chaplain for over 7 years focusing on health promotion/wellness and mental health. He has participated/conducted many community health based programs, working for ADRA Canada as the national program lead including work in emergency, development and psycho-social support. Academically, he has taught as an adjunct professor at Georgian College, Ontario in the Health, Science, and Wellness Faculty for 2 years and an Instructor at York University for the York Institute for Health Research Institute (YIHR). He is a registered psychotherapist in Ontario and has been Director for Counselling Services in Toronto. He was privileged to be a Recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for Outstanding Community and Military Service (2012) and a Recipient of the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation Award for outstanding service to Veterans and their community (2019).
Current Research or Professional Activities
- Currently working with Dr D. George on a pending publication on Marital Success (2021).
- Public Health New Approaches to Managing Illegal Psychoactive Substances: A Discussion Paper (published 2014) by the Canadian Public Health Association (Working/Reference group member).
- Trauma-Informed Care: Accounting for the Interconnected Role of Spirituality & Empowerment in Mental Health Promotion (published 2014) by the Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health.
- Restorative Justice, Issue 1 (published 2014) by The Adventist Chaplain.
- Eat Well Together, Live Well Together, (published 2011) by Adventist Review