Student Services
Campus Ministries (CM) is a student-led organization, coordinated by the University Chaplains. Campus Ministries seeks to provide opportunities in five key areas:
- Personal Spiritual Growth - helping the Burman Community discover and develop a vibrant, personal relationship with God.
- Corporate Spiritual Awareness - increasing the awareness of God's presence and action in the Burman Community through corporate spiritual experiences in both small and large group gatherings.
- Corporate Social Interaction - developing greater appreciation for and share experience among the variety of cultural and sub-cultural expressions within the Burman Community.
- Experience in Service - providing opportunities to discover, develop, and exercise a passion for service through social interaction, volunteerism and community service, and Christian witnessing opportunities, both on-campus and in local, regional, and international communities.
- Experience in Leadership - working with students to discover and develop skills in Christian leadership that will continue to serve them beyond their time on campus.
Campus Ministries provides ministry opportunities, programs and events in four core areas:
ON-CAMPUS MINISTRIES: Providing ministry, spiritual guidance, and encouragement to others in the Burman Community.
Students seeking to minister to or be ministered to by their peers on campus will find a variety of ways to be involved. Small Groups, Prayer Ministries, Sabbath School, A.Y., and Kid’s Church allow you to be active in sharing and deepening your relationships with God and each other while staying on campus. Watch for notices about what’s happening, where and when, and how you can get involved.
OFF-CAMPUS MINISTRIES: Providing the support, encouragement, and opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ and the message of Adventism with others beyond the Burman Community.
We recognize that Burman University is part of a larger community in Central Alberta and beyond. As such, there are many different ways to share - by word and by action - with those who may not yet know the Good News we have to tell. Aboriginal Peoples Ministries, Sunshine Bands, Urban Ministries, and Service Days Projects allow our Burman family to reach out to specialized community groups in meaningful ways to positively impact their lives for now and for eternity. Watch for notices about what’s happening, where and when and how you can get involved.
WORSHIP MINISTRIES: Coming together as a campus community, to express our love to God, remember and celebrate His loving acts, grow in our knowledge of Him, and offer Him our adoration and praise.
The spiritual life at Burman has a regular rhythm of corporate worship, throughout the week and throughout the year. Weekly PowerUp services allow student groups and faculty/staff members to come together and build one another up in their spiritual experiences. These services are held weekly on Tuesdays at 11:00am. CAYA (7:00pm on Friday) invites the community to begin the Sabbath together on a high note, and worship experiences continue throughout Sabbath with Afterglow (Fridays after Vespers), IGNITE (Sabbath mornings Second Service) and Adventist Youth (AY) (Sabbath afternoons). Near the beginning of each semester we also have a Week In Spiritual Emphasis (WISE). To use your talents in music, drama, speaking, poetry, art, multimedia, audio-visual and more, contact the university chaplains or the CM Worship & Music Director.
MISSIONS: Connecting Christian volunteers with national and international mission opportunities ranging from short-term mission trips (a weekend to 2-10 weeks) to mission positions that can last from one to several years.
The Missions Team works to prepare students for service in cross-cultural settings, as well as provide support and encouragement to student missionaries while in the field and upon return to campus life. Burman partners with a number of organisations to provide long- and short-term mission opportunities, such as Adventist Volunteer Services, Adventist Frontier Missions, Adventist World Aviation, Maranatha Volunteers International, and A Better World. In addition, we work with other departments and clubs on campus such as Share Him / Religious Studies Department to provide opportunities for more evangelistic-style mission opportunities. Contact the chaplains or the CM Missions Director to find out more about the many mission projects through which we are developing ongoing presence and impact in the world. Be sure to apply early!
We are always opened to new ideas and opportunities for making a difference in our campus community and in the world beyond our hilltop. Contact the university chaplains at x4033 or email: to see how we can help you make an impact for God in the lives of others.