Faculty & Staff

Eduardo Solá
Office location: West Hall
Areas of Expertise
Eduardo Solá (Chagas Lima) is Associate Professor of Music at Burman University, where he teaches violin/viola, music history, advanced music theory, and directs the Burman University Symphony Orchestra (BUSO). He has worked as a concert violinist and violist extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas in concerts, projects, and recordings, performing alongside renowned artists. Dr. Solá's research interests focus on music education, systematic and historical musicology, music theory, and curriculum theory. He holds several scholarly publications and appears internationally as speaker at research conferences. Dr. Solá published the first Portuguese translation and commented edition of F. Geminiani's The Art of Playing on the Violin [1751] (PACO Editorial, 2021) and, recently, a monograph and novel analytical framework for eighteenth-century fugal counterpoint, Fugue Analysis: A Practical Guide (Peter Lang, 2023).
Current Research or Professional Activities
- Fugue analysis: new analytical and pedagogical directions
- Diegetic and non-diegetic sound spaces in the video game medium
- Developmental synesthesia in music cognition and music education
- Multisensory learning; teaching to different senses; curricular inclusivity
- Autobiographical theory
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2023). Fugue Analysis: A Practical Guide. New York: Peter Lang. (ISBN: 978-1433197130)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2021). A Arte de Tocar Violino (1751) de Francesco Geminiani: Uma Tradução e Edição Comentada. Jundiaí: PACO Editorial. (ISBN: 978-6558405054)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2014). O Menino e o Som. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Metanoia. (ISBN: 978-8563439369)
Book Chapters
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo; Thompson, Julie. (2022). "Facilitating Christian Spirituality in the Post-secondary Classroom: An Autobiographical Approach". In Revealing Jesus in the Learning Environment: In Celebration of Teaching (p. 235-256). Avondale University Press. (ISBN: 978-0645061369)
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2024). "'That would be undemocratic': Individuality and Educational Differentiation in C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape Proposes a Toast (1961)". Journal of Research in Christian Education, Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2023). “Fear and Hope: Contemplating the Parousia in J. S. Bach’s Sacred Cantatas”. Musica Hodie, Vol. 23. (ISSN: 2317-6776)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo; Thompson, Julie. (2023). "'Not for an Age, bur for All Time': Autobiography and a Re-origin of Shakespeare Studies in Canada". Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, special issue of The Origins of Global Shakespeare Studies, edited by Mark Bayer, Vol. 27, No. 42. (ISSN: 2083-8530)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2022). “Music notation>color synesthesia: An alternative approach to teaching music to synesthetes.” International Association of Synaesthetes, Artists, and Scientists (IASAS) Conference Moscow 2019. Conference Proceedings.
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2021). "Form and Structure in J. Haydn's “Von deiner Güt’ o Herr und Gott”, from The Creation”. Vortex Music Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1: 1-41. (ISSN: 2317-9937)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2020). "Metrical Dissonances in the Baroque Minuet: Theory and Practice." Opus, Vol. 26, N. 3. (ISSN: 1517-7017)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2020). "Life and death of music 'as education': A philosophical overview." Journal of Research in Christian Education, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 28, No. 2.
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2019). "Cross-sensory experiences and the Enlightenment: music synesthesia in context." Musica Hodie, Vol. 19. (ISSN: 1676-3939)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2016). "Music and ceremonial in Fernão Cadim's Letters." Revista Brasileira de Música. Vol. 29, No. 1: 103-123. (ISSN 0103-7595)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2015). "Developmental synesthesia, perception, and performance: challenges and new directions in music education and research." Anais do XXV Congresso da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Música.
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2015). "O maracá na sociedade Tupinambá: representações iconográficas e textuais quinhentistas." Anais 3º Congresso Brasileiro de Iconografia Musical. 297-316. (ISSN 2318-7026)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2015). "The maracá in the beginning of European contact: its role in Tupinambá society as a religious token and musical instrument." Musica Hodie, Vol. 15, No. 2. Goiania: Universidade Federal de Goiás. (ISSN: 1676-3939)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2014). "The Role of Proportion in the First-movement Expositions of W. A. Mozart's String Quintets." Vortex Music Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1. Curitiba: Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Parana: 48-61. (ISSN: 2317-9937)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2014). "Uccellini's Sonata Ottava: Perspectives in Grouping, Meter and Metrical Dissonance." Musica Hodie, Vol. 14, No. 2. Goiania: Universidade Federal de Goiás: 199-212. (ISSN: 1676-3939)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2007). "A importância de noções harmônico-estruturais e resolução de baixo-contínuo aplicadas á peformance da sonata BWV 1001, de J. S. Bach, para violino solo." Anais do IV Simposio de Pesquisa em Música da UFPR. Curitiba: Editora do Departamento DeArtes da Universidade Federal do Parana. (ISBN: 978-8598826134)
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo; McCormick, Zoe. (2022). "The Music of the Cross: Unveiling Rhetorical Devices in J. S. Bach's Large-Scale Sacred Works." Burman University Student-Faculty Conference.
Solá Chagas Lima, Eduardo. (2017). "Meter in 'Esperando na Janela" (2000): A Glimpse into Hypermetric Shifts and Perception." Folk Music Analysis Conference of the University of Malaga.
Conference Papers
“The hollow note of death”: Music and the ambiguity of martyrdom in T. S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral (1935)". 47th National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA), Australia, 26-28 November, 2024.
“Secondary Creations: Bioethics and Environmentalism in Tolkien’s and Lewis’s Fiction”. Creation Care: Andrews University Autumn Conference on Religion and Science, Andrews University, Michigan, United States, November 7-8, 2024. (Collaboration with Jonathan Campbell, Burman University)
“Music Notation-to-Colour Synesthesia and an Alternative to Müller’s “Law of Specific Nerve Energies”. Psychology and Music: Interdisciplinary Encounters, Academy of Music & Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia, October 23-26, 2024.
“Between Theory and Diegesis: Understanding Synchronous and Asynchronous False Relations in English Renaissance Repertoire”. Narrative Walks Through Music - The 15th Biennial International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis. Faculty of Music, Department of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, October 4-6, 2024.
"'My Time in Academia': Systemic Ideologies and Women's Labour". 5th Conference of the Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA). October 3-5, 2024. (Collaboration with Julie Thompson, Burman University)
"'To Build Upon Sand': Reassessing Evaluation in the Kodály Framework." 21st Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference (AUTLC). Andrews University, Michigan, United States, April 11, 2024.
“Reimagining Musical Sound in the Video Game Medium: An Alternative Approach to Diegesis Theory”. 54th Meeting of the Popular Culture Association (PCA) and American Culture Association (ACA). Chicago, Illinois, United States, March 27-30, 2024.
"From Barbary to Sa’ran: Re-Presenting the “Willow Song” in Morrison and Traoré’s Desdemona (2012)". 46th Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference Shakespeare, Social Justice, & Human Rights. University of Dayton, Ohio, United States, October 26-28, 2023. (Collaboration with Julie Thompson, Burman University)
"Rebuilding the Stage: A Strategy for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Higher Education." Higher Education Adventist Society (HEAS) Inaugural Conference. Andrews University, Michigan, United States, July 1, 2023. (Collaboration with Julie Thompson, Burman University)
“Speaking as I think, I die, I die”: Grieving Female Voices in the “Willow Song”. Royal Musicology Association. University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom, September 8-10, 2022. (Collaboration with Julie Thompson, Burman University)
“Speaking as I think, I die, I die”: Grieving Female Voices in the “Willow Song”. Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, July 4-7, 2022. (Collaboration with Julie Thompson, Burman University)
“Hit me, Britney, one more time: Rewriting Shakespeare with Britney Spears in & Juliet.” Popular Culture Association, Annual Conference 2022, April 13-15. (Collaboration with Julie Thompson, Burman University)
“‘All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players’: An Autobiographical Approach to Teaching Shakespeare. 19th Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference (AUTLC). Andrews University, Michigan, United States, 31 March, 2022. (Collaboration with Julie Thompson, Burman University)
“'It’s undemocratic’: Instructional Differentiation in C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape Proposes a Toast (1961)”. 19th Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference (AUTLC). Andrews University, Michigan, United States, 31 March, 2022.
“Alive: The Samaritan Woman, John 4:1-42”. 2nd Symphonia Conference, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada, 16 March, 2022. (Collaboration with Julie Thompson, Burman University)
“Fear and Hope: Contemplating the Parousia in J. S. Bach’s Church Cantatas”. 2nd Symphonia Conference, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada, 16 March, 2022.
'"And all is semblative a woman's part": Musicality and Gender Performativity in Twelfth Night'. American Musicological Society, New York Chapter, Annual Meeting. June 12, 2020. (Collaborative paper with Julie Thompson)
“Interdisciplinary Biblical Interpretation: Expressing Meaning through Visual and Aural Art Forms.” AAR & SBL Annual Meeting, May 21-23, 2021. (Collaboration with Stephen Reasor)
“Music, Meaning, and Corporate Worship: Experiencing Music in Seventh-day Adventism”. 18th Annual Andrews University Music & Worship Conference. Andrews University, Michigan, United States, February 18-20, 2021.
“The ‘Synchronic’ Orchestra: Reconceptualizing Instruction in a Time of Change”. 18th Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference (AUTLC). Andrews University, Michigan, United States, 25 March, 2021.
'"And all is semblative a woman's part": Musicality and Gender Performativity in Twelfth Night'. Shakespeare and Music: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives. University of Manchester, University of Huddersfield, Royal Music Association, and Society for Renaissance Studies. December 10-11, 2020. (Collaborative paper with Julie Thompson)
"El Sistema in Toronto, Ontario: building Canadian national identity through music education" New Zealand Musicological Society Annual Meeting. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, November, 2019.
“Music Notation>Colour Synesthesia: an Alternative Approach to Teaching Music to Synesthetes.” 2019 Conference of the International Association of Synesthetes, Artists, and Scientists. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Moscow, Russia, October, 2019.
“Mental Health During the Midterm Period: A Grounded Theory Study.” Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference (AUTLC). Andrews University, Michigan, United States, 28 March, 2019.
“Teacher Training and Qualification in Guinea: A Collaborative Project for Improvement and Change.” Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference (AUTLC). Andrews University, Michigan, United States, 28 March, 2019.
“Life and Death of Music as Education: a Philosophical Perspective.” Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference (AUTLC). Andrews University, Michigan, United States, 30 March, 2018.
“Meter in “Esperando na Janela” (2000): A Glimpse into Hypermetric Shifts and Perception.” Folk Music Analysis Conference. University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain, 14-16 June, 2017.
“Unidade Móvel de Esterilização e Educação em Saúde (UMEES): Estratégia Educacional em Guarda Responsável.” Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil, 2017.
“Developmental Synesthesia and Differentiated Education in the American Curriculum: A Historical Survey.” Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference. Andrews University, Michigan, 30 March, 2017.
“Sinestesia musical e inclusão no currículo educacional elementar: implicações para a flexibilidade e adaptabilidade curricular.” VI Semana de Educação Musical - Práticas Criativas na Educação Musical como Fator de Desenvolvimento Humano. Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 08-10 September, 2016.
"Synesthetic incongruence and music perception in early stages of music education." United Kingdom Synesthesia Association, Synesthesia and Cross-Modal Perception Conference. Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 21-13 April, 2016.
"Handel and the notion of an orchestra leader." Handel and His Eighteenth-Century Performers, The Handel Institute. Foundling Museum/Open University, London, England, 21-22 November, 2015.
"Cross-sensory experiences and the Enlightenment: in search of a place for music synesthesia." 11th National Conference of the American Synesthesia Association (ASA). University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA, 2-4 October, 2015.
"Cross-sensory experiences and the Enlightenment: in search of a place for music synesthesia." 38th National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA). University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 1-4 October, 2015.
"Developmental synesthesia, perception, and performance: challenges and new directions in music education and research." XXV Congresso da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Música (ANPPOM). Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, Brazil, 17-21 August, 2015.
"O maracá na sociedade Tupinambá: representações iconográficas e textuais quinhentistas." 3º Congresso Brasileiro de Iconografia Musical. Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Brazil, 20-24 July, 2015.
"Fear and Hope: Contemplating the Parousia in J. S. Bach's Church Cantatas." Annual meeting of the Society for Christian Scholarship in Music (SCSM). Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 12-14 February 2015.
"Tonal Structure and Balance in 'Von deiner Güt', O Herr und Gott,' from J. Haydn's Die Schöpfung." Royal Music Association (RMA) Research Students' Conference. University of Bristol, England, 8-10 January 2015.
"Metrical dissonances in late baroque dance music: implications for the postwar 'early music' revival and current practice." Performing Early Music in the Age of Recordings: National Styles then and now. Israeli Conservatory of Music, Tel Aviv, Israel, 13-14 October 2014.
"Pietas Austriaca, Counter-reformation, and Sacred Music at the Habsburg Court." Historical Documentation Series. Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague, The Netherlands, December, 2011.
- Excellence in Teaching Award (2021), Burman University
- Excellence in Scholarship Award (2020), Burman University
- Anderson Scholarship (2019), Andrews University
- Grant in Aid of Research (2019), Andrews University
- Graduate Merit Scholarship (2018), School of Graduate Studies & Research, Andrews University
- Anderson Scholarship (2017), Andrews University
- Graduate Merit Scholarship (2017), School of Graduate Studies & Research, Andrews University
- Taylor Scholarship (2017), Andrews University
- Inquilla Scholarship (2017), Andrews University
- Willsey-Chareq Scholarship (2017), Andrews University
- Natelkka Burrell Scholarship (2017), Andrews University
- Conference Grant Award (2015), The Handel Institute
- Fall Conference Grant Award (2014), University of Toronto, School of Graduate Studies (SGS)
- Faculty of Music Fellowship (2012), University of Toronto
- International Student Scholarship Award (2012), University of London, Goldsmiths College
Sola Chagas Lima, Eduardo. “The ‘Synchronic’ Orchestra: Reconceptualizing Instruction”. Journal of Adventist Education Blog. June, 2021.
Sola Chagas Lima, Eduardo. "Music notation-to-color synesthesia and early stages of music education: A grounded theory study" Andrews Digital Commons (also on ProQuest), Doctoral Dissertations, 2020.
Sola Chagas Lima, Eduardo. "Learning Through Dialogue." Journal of Adventist Education blog. May 27, 2019.