Faculty & Staff

Marc Froese
Office location: West Hall
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Areas of Expertise
Marc D. Froese is Professor of Political Science and Founding Director of the International Studies Program at Burman University in Alberta, Canada. He writes about the politics of international economic law, with an emphasis on the interaction between international dispute settlement mechanisms, governmental legal strategies, and sub-national interests. Professor Froese has expertise in the integration dynamics of economic law, the relationship between regional and multilateral trade governance, and the political economy of Canadian trade policy formation. He is the author of books and articles on these and other issues, including Canada at the WTO (UToronto, 2010) and Sovereign Rules and the Politics of International Economic Law (Routledge 2018). His working papers are available through the Social Science Research Network at http://ssrn.com/author=887299.
Current Research or Professional Activities
Sovereign Rules and the Politics of International Economic Law. New York: Routledge, 2018.
Canada at the WTO: Trade Litigation and the Future of Public Policy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010.
Daniel Drache with Marc D. Froese. Defiant Publics: The Unprecedented Reach of the Global Citizen. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008.
Refereed Articles
“Digital Trade and Dispute Settlement in RTAs: An Evolving Standard?” Journal of World Trade 53, no. 5 (2019): 783-809.
“Mapping the Scope of Dispute Settlement in Regional Trade Agreements: Implications for the Multilateral Governance of Trade.” World Trade Review 15, no. 4 (2016): 563-585.
“World Trade Law.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, edited by Renée Marlin-Bennett. Oxford University Press and the International Studies Association, 2015 (updated January 2019).
- The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies consists of 10,000-word peer-reviewed essays. With a minimum of 100 citations, each essay is designed to provide an advanced introduction to the scholarly literature. With the transition to OUP, the author now updates entries approximately every two to four years.
“Regional Trade Agreements and the Paradox of Dispute Settlement." Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 11, no. 3 (2014): 367-96.
“Beyond the Resource Curse? Canada and the Case for Bilateral Trade Agreements.” IUP Journal of International Relations 8, no. 4 (2014): 1-17.
"Formal International Institutions and the Regulation of Flows of Goods and Services." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, edited by Renée Marlin-Bennett. Oxford University Press and the International Studies Association, 2014.
“Do Rich Countries ‘Lawyer Up’ Faster than Poor Countries? Measuring the Time from Accession to First Dispute at the WTO.” Journal of World Trade 45, no. 6 (2011): 1237-1266.
“Trade Friction, Dispute Settlement and Structural Adjustment, or Why Canada-Wheat Doesn’t Matter in North American Trade Relations.” The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 11, no. 1 (2010): 46-66.
“Omens and Threats in the Doha Round of Trade Negotiations: The Decline of Multilateralism?” Man and Development 30, no. 2 (2008): 1-28. (with Daniel Drache)
"Contingent Protection Measures and the Management of the Softwood Lumber Trade in North America." The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy 7, no. 2 (2006): 126-51. (Reprinted in P. Satyanarayana Prasad, ed. Antidumping Laws: Country Perspectives. Amicus Press, 2007.)
"An Empirical Analysis of Why the WTO is Broken and Cannot be Fixed - Yet." Eurostudia: Transatlantic Journal of European Studies 3, no. 1 (2007). (with Daniel Drache)
"Globalization and the Cultural Commons: Identity, Citizenship and Pluralism after Cancun." New Political Economy 11, no. 3 (2006): 359-80. (with Daniel Drache)
Book Sections
“Political Economy and International Economic Law.” Chapter Four in The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary International Political Economy, edited by Timothy Shaw and Laura Mahrenbach. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2019.
“Trade Policy Review and Dispute Settlement at the WTO.” Chapter 15 in The Handbook of the International Political Economy of Trade, edited by David Deese. Edward Elgar, Northampton, 2014.
“Archive Research and Document Analysis.” Chapter 10 in Critical Approaches to Security: Theories and Methods, edited by Laura J. Shepherd. Routledge, London, 2012.
“Trade.” Encyclopedia of Global Studies, edited by Mark Jurgensmeyer, Helmut Anheier and Victor Faessel. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, 2012: 1659-64.
"The Global Cultural Economy: Power, Citizenship and Dissent." In Cultures and Globalization: The Cultural Economy, edited by Helmut Anheier and Yudhishthir Raj Isar, Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2008. (with Daniel Drache. Reprinted as "Market Power and Globalisation: Citizenship and Dissent in the Global Cultural Economy" in S. R. Hashim, K. S. Chalapati Rao, K. V. K. Ranganathan and M. R. Murthy eds. Indian Industrial Development and Globalization: Essays in Honour of Professor S. K. Goyal. Academic Foundation, 2008.)
Book Reviews
Benn Steil. "The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the making of a new world order." International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis 68, no. 4 (2013): 655-656.
“Response to the Review of Canada at the WTO: Trade Litigation and the Future of Public Policy.” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 16, no. 3 (2011): 73-76.
Jennifer Welsh and Ngaire Woods (eds). Exporting Good Governance: Temptations and Challenges in Canada’s Aid Program. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2007. British Journal of Canadian Studies 22, no. 2 (2009): pp. 262-263.
Book review essay. “Militarism, Moralism and Market Fundamentalism” International Peacekeeping 16, no. 3 (2009): pp. 447-452.
Dan Lindley. Promoting Peace with Information. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. International Peacekeeping 16, no. 2 (2009): pp. 304-305.
Book review essay. "The Myth of American Exceptionalism and the Tragedy of Neoconservative Foreign Policy." International Peacekeeping 14, no. 5 (2007): pp. 690-695.
Branko Milanovic. Worlds Apart: Measuring International and Global Inequality. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005. Reviewed in The World Economy 29, no. 3 (March 2006): pp. 372-373.
Graham F. Walker, ed. Independence in an Age of Empire: Assessing Unilateralism and Multilateralism. Dalhousie University, Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, 2004. American Review of Canadian Studies 35, no 2 (spring 2005): pp. 200-202.
Periodical/Online Publications
"Expert's Corner" commentary for the Beyond the Border Observer (online publication of the Canada Institute at the Wilson Center), October 11, 2013. Available at http://www.scribd.com/doc/175323259/BTBObserver-Experts-Corner-NAFTA
Towards a Narrative Theory of Political Agency. In IPEG Papers in Global Political Economy, edited by Stuart Shields and Phoebe Moore. British International Studies Association, International Political Economy Working Group, January 2010. Available at http://bisa-ipeg.org/ipegpapers.htm.
Omens and Threats in the Doha Round: The Decline of Multilateralism? In Globalization Working Paper Series 08/1, edited by Imre Szeman. McMaster University, Hamilton: Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition, May 2008. (with Daniel Drache) available at http://globalization.mcmaster.ca.
“Reboot the WTO Template” in the Financial Express (India), August 23rd, 2006. Available at https://www.financialexpress.com/archive/Reboot-the-WTO-template/175125/ (with Daniel Drache)
The Global Cultural Commons after Cancun: Identity, Diversity and Citizenship. In CLPE Research Paper Series, edited by Peer Zumbansen. York University, Toronto: Comparative Research in Law and Political Economy: A Research Network at Osgoode Hall Law School, June 2005. (with Daniel Drache) Available at www.comparativeresearch.net.