Symphonia Conference - Call For Papers
On Wednesday, March 16, 2022, the Music and Religious Studies departments of Burman University, in partnership with GlossaHouse and the Graphē Institute, will host the 2nd annual ΣΥΜΦΩΝΙΑ Conference. The planning committee for the conference invites proposals for collaborative paper-performances and papers that examine the intersection of biblical interpretation and musical interpretation.
The conference will be virtual again this year, which will allow presenters and attendees from around the world to participate. Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes with 10 minutes for discussion and questions.
- Collaborative paper-performances bring together research in biblical exegesis of Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic Scripture and an original musical arrangement that expresses the structure, syntax, and meaning of the text as described in the exegetical work. Musical arrangements should be recorded and edited prior to the conference and should consist of a high quality audio or video (preferred) recording. The conference prefers musical arrangements of Greek texts to utilize either a koine-era or a modern pronunciation scheme. Please see the attached video introduction of the conference for more details.
- Scholarly papers will follow regular standards of oral delivery. A slideshow to go with oral presentations is not required but welcomed.
Proposals of 250 words in length should be submitted to or no later than January 28, 2022.
We look forward to a day of stimulating music and research!