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Winter 2022 Return to Campus Information

Burman University to Continue In-Person Delivery for Winter 2022

Burman University will continue In-Person delivery for winter term 2022 starting on January 10, 2022. In keeping with current COVID-19 campus protocols, students, faculty, and staff coming onto the Burman campus must have one of the following; be fully vaccinated, present proof of a negative COVID-19 test, or present proof of medical exemption.

Proof of Vaccination

  • Vaccinations can be any World Health Organization (WHO) approved vaccination. 

  • To be considered fully vaccinated, the second dose must be no later than December 24, 2021, for a January 7 arrival on campus. 

  • Once you have shown proof of vaccination to the appropriate office, you will not need to show it again.

Proof of Negative Test Result

  • We have committed to providing rapid testing on site. 

  • Testing will take place on Monday 7:00 am – 1:00  pm and Wednesday, Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm in the Administration Building auditorium. 
    • Testing will be provided Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to accommodate those who want access to all campus events during the week and on the weekends.

    • For those who do not require testing 3 times per week, as you do not intend to access campus for more than regular work and/or classes, you can be tested on Monday and Wednesday only to meet the requirements. Because these two days are only 48 hours apart (less than the maximum of 72 hours between testing), the Wednesday appointment can be accommodated later in the morning and not necessarily before you arrive at your workstation if the testing station is not open upon your arrival work. The M/W schedule will allow for work and/or study through the remainder of the work week.

  • A ½-hr is required to complete the testing process. This needs to take place BEFORE you attend any classes or work appointments. Watch for further information in your campus email. 

  • If the test is positive, you must isolate and go to an AHS test site for further testing to confirm if it is COVID-19 or not. If it is COVID-19, you must remain in isolation for 10 days. 

  • Individuals needing rapid tests will continue to test two times per week.

Proof of Medical exemption 

  • Must be confirmed with an original letter from a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.

Students with travel difficulties

  • Due to federal travel restrictions within Canada, students facing hardship travelling to campus may be eligible to participate in classes via hybrid-flexible mode. On October 30, 2021, the Government of Canada mandated that individuals 12 years of age or older, will need to be fully vaccinated in order to board domestic or international flights departing from most airports in Canada, and any VIA Rail and Rocky Mountaineer trains. If this mandate has caused hardship for a student to travel to campus they may register for a hybrid-flexible mode of instruction. This program is only available to pre-approved student cases due to inability to travel. Please contact the office of Academic Administration before noon MST, January 7, 2021 to apply for pre-approval, if this applies to you. Students in Education Practicum must be in-person in their assigned school in Alberta.

As always plans are subject to change based on current Government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services restrictions.
