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Committee of 100 - November 2020 Minutes


Committee of 100

Minutes of the November 20, 2020 Meeting

 (Virtual Meeting)


PRESENT Diane Southcott, Shannon Bechthold, Loren Agrey, Darrell Huether, Ned Price, Eric Rajah, Murray and Elaine Sankey, Morley Kutzner, Gloria Stenhouse, Gloria Radomsky, Jerrold Ritchey, Myrna Belyea, Larry Shipowick, Elvin Saruk, Grace Fedak, Ken Fox, Llew Werner, Jeffrey Brown, James and Janis Campbell, Verna and David Burghart, Randy Chernipeski, Keith Clouten, Lowell Cooper, Harvey Jacobson, Kelvin Hill, Cliff Tym, Tennyson Samraj, Diane Pearson, Jady and Connie Chiakowsky and Rick Foulston (invitee as IT support)




WELCOME Ned Price called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all for attending. 




1 – 2020 VOTED to approve the Agenda as circulated.




The Minutes of last year’s June 9 2019 meeting were previously circulated to all members.  It was:


2 - 2020 VOTED to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2019 meeting.




The Chairperson provided introductory comments to the annual meeting and outlined certain operational items that required consideration of the next year. 


The Committee membership currently is 117.




Darrell Huether presented the Treasurer’s Report (on behalf of Josh Huether).  


As of the end of October 2020, the Committee of 100 funds on hand was $41,359.14.  The balance will continue to rise for the balance of the year as additional funds are received and may reach $50,000 by the end of December, 2020.


2019 Projects


The focus of the Projects for 2020 focused on handi-cap accessibility.  The Projects completed, for approx.$ 49,000, included the following:


  1. Lakeview Hall – renovated two Dorm room for Handi-cap accessibility - $25,000
  2. Cafeteria – modified upper and lower doors for handi-cap accessibility - $4,722
  3. McKibbin Centre – modified doors for handi-cap accessibility - $4,119
  4. Ad Building – ordered “stair climber” - $14,587


3 – 2020 VOTED to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented.


PROJECTS FOR 2020 (AND 2021, 2022, and 2023)


The following Projects for 2020 selected for consideration included the following:


  1. Security Surveillance Cameras
  • Required in 25 areas on the campus
  • Cost would be approx $50,000


  1. New Library Building
  • Loren Agrey provided on overview of the current status of the Library Project.
  • Eagle Builders has been selected as the construction contractor. 
  • A short video “walk-through” of proposed building was provided.
  • The building would take 4 – 6 months to build
  • The cost proposal from Eagle Builders is $4.50 million.  BU estimates 4.7 million with anticipated changes
  • Total cost of the Library Project is 6 million, including furniture, equipment, and landscaping
  • Currently have $3.6 million in donations and pledges
  • Naming opportunities throughout the building


After discussion, it was


4  – 2020  VOTED To contribute funds toward the installation of security cameras in 2020.

5 – 2020             VOTED to support the Library Project for the next 3 years – 2021, 2022, and 2023.


Board of Director’s Positions


The following vacant Board of Director positions require filling:


  1.  Secretary
  2. Treasurer
  3. Member at Large


After discussion of the names recommended to fill the positions above it was: 


6 – 2020 VOTED to approve Diane Pearson as the Secretary,


7 – 2020 VOTED to approve Clarence Grosso as the Treasurer, and


8 – 2020 Voted to approve Gloria Stenhouse as a Member at Large




President Loren Agrey expressed Burman University’s gratitude to the Committee of 100 and their commitment and support for the development of the Campus.


The President’s Report included the following comments: 

  • BU has been significantly impacted by Covid-19 and  has had to transition to  “on-line” programming, but does have a limited number of students in the Dorm who cannot return home.
  • BU has been closely following Alberta Education’s proposed funding model based on “outcomes,” which includes a focus on “completion of educational courses.” It was noted that BU offers a Bachelor of Nursing Degree in conjunction with Kettering College where the students must transfer to Kettering College for the completion of their course of study.
  • BU has been focusing on the Library Project (as per above).



Ned Price provided the closing remarks



Ned Price provided the closing prayer



The Committee was adjourned at 7:45.


Llew Werner, Vice-President   
