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Winter Term 2022 - Return To Campus Information

Winter Term 2022 - Return to Campus Information (December 23, 2021)

Recognizing the seriousness of the impending Omicron wave, it has been voted to affirm the regular face-to-face class schedule for Winter term with the following provisions/restrictions:

We are asking ALL campus family members (students, faculty and staff) to ensure compliance with ALL of the campus COVID-19 protocols:

  • Burman Alert
    • Daily completion of the Burman Alert app screening and only attend classes/appointments/events if you have a current green badge. 
  • Mask wearing:
    • In all indoor locations other than living spaces, personal offices, or when eating in the cafeteria.
    • Masks are to be worn appropriately covering both mouth and nose at all time
  • Social distancing:
    • When in a non-REP event, cafeteria or classroom, maintain a 2 metre distance from others.
  • Testing:
    • All students, faculty and staff get tested as soon as possible upon return to campus in January
    • All students, faculty and staff get tested at least twice per week during the month of January. This may be extended or shortened depending on the COVID-19 impact on campus.
  • REP Events:
    • REP events may be postponed/delayed at the start of the semester, depending on the threat of transmission of cases.

Any of the above could change depending on the continuing changing nature of the virus. It is important to note that there are other measures that should be taken to help prevent the spread of the virus as well. Please remember to maintain good sleep habits, regular exercise, and a healthy diet along with other healthful practices.
